problem spaces

Creativity and Innovation

With a new year officially underway, now is a great time to assess how we approach and navigate within problem spaces. 

  • Do we know what questions to ask and to whom we should ask those questions?

  • Do we approach problem spaces with an open mindset or closed mindset?

  • Are we a convergent thinker or a divergent thinker?

  • Do we possess creativity and innovation skills?

While there are many more questions to be asked, I welcome you to reflect on the questions above.  As you do so, consider how your answers manifest themselves at your place of work.  What are tangible examples that speak to the positive impact your contribution made to a problem space.  What specific strategies and skills made the difference?  How did you effectively apply those skills and strategies?  What didn't work well?  Why didn't it work well?

Proper engagement through leadership, education, and strategies can make all the difference. Align yourself with creativity and innovation skills today!